

Jul 11, 2002
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Hey Dan,

how do u think about a little European-Tour with Diabolical Masquerade, Nightingale, Moontower or with an another project ??? Maybe on a festival like Wacken Open Air in Germany ?
I still wanna see u live and of course more Swanö-Fans all over the world ;)

a great Swanöfan
I have imagine too. Imagine he plays live at W.O.A. with guitars, bass, drums and keys...and all together at Dan. *laughing*
Like a streetmusician if u know what I mean ?! [ This musicians who wear a Bassdrum in back and percusions on it, with guitar and other stuff ]
Cool if Dan Swanö have European-Tour with some other great bands. So I think Diabolical Masquerade, Infestdead [ I know that both bands are/were a 2-man-orchestra ], Nightingale with Nasum, The Project Hate MCMXCIX, 2 Ton Predator and maybe some other bands [ Hypocrisy, Non Serviam, Opeth and so on ] would be very fuckin' great.
A tour called Fuckin' Sweden Volvo Growl Tour 2002 [ or so ?!] :grin:
....I forgot Katatonia. Of course....they are great too :) The last album is very good. The other too....but the last is differs to the other. Now they are Doom-Rock...or how I call that style ?
never heard of Empyrium... should I check em out??? Amoeba is by FAR my favorite band. If you like the acoustic Opeth style, Amoeba is for you. If you have ever heard of Robert Rich, the ambient composer, its his rock band. Will blow your mind.... especially the track "Traces" from the new album Pivot. I cant stress enough how damn good those guys are.
Empyrium isnt bad

Rob Rich is very nice composer... I have 3 CDs of Amoeba and his CDs Trances/Drones and Rainforest. Rainforest suite is my favorite.

If u need something for listen while working (in this fucking hot summer) I can advise:
1). Brant Bjork "Jalamanta" (my favorite summer album, its very light psyhodelic stoner with influen. of south rock and '60-70. This guy played drums in Kyuss and Fu Manchu)
2). Ontarion Blue "Waiting for the rain" (my 2nd fav CD now, dark-ambient. Its solo album of Stephen from Endvra)
I listened to only album while doing the Alive Again art.... we can all assume what that was....

My fav Robert Rich album is Soma, the album he did with Steve Roach... the track Blood Music is so damn creepy! Ivan, you should check out Firbird.. the stoner rock band with Bill Steer, the guitarist from Carcass. I swear he is the white reincarnation of Hendrix!

Thanks for the tips, I'll look into them.