Questions for band members

Timbus, as far as playing guitar goes, Obviously you know of scales, styles, ect.
But is there anything or any scale particular you're fond of? or anything guitar style you like to play?
The guitar player in our band having trouble letting the little jazzy stuff go...and It's getting in the way of making music because when he wants to solo or something, it's just like....blah...jazz....and we're aiming for a death metal band.
Death metal and improvisation don't really work well together. All Nekrogoblikon material is meticulously arranged, first in Powertab, then in a sequencer like Fruity Loops, or more recently Logic Pro. Scales and theory gets useful when you have a good idea, and you want to make it great. If you write a two bar lead that sounds pretty cool, then you can look at it and go "ok, well, this would go over I-VI-V really well, and this part here could go up in the next bar". 90% of nekrogoblikon material goes through about 50 revisions. I'll start with a riff that sounds generic, and then fuck with it until it's...well, goblin. Writing music is all about figuring out little "tricks" to help you along. I kinda didn't answer the question, I guess, so I'll give you a list of things I commonly use:

I-VI-V chord progessions in minor, with a sharp seven in the lead. I-VII-VI-V works great for verses.
If you have something in triplets, break up the feel by tying the second note of a triplet to the first. In fact, that's the piratey feel in Goblins Ahoy (all the leads have that form).
A whole step modulation of a melody is a "dance-harder" modulation you frequently hear in pop music. It works extremely well.
And finally, hovering around 1, 2, 3, and #7 (for example, G#, A, B, C) is pretty metal.
Oh and if you wanna sound like Bloodbath, play around with B, C#, D, F, F#. (fooling around with that is how I came up with GCA Part I)

Oh, I wanted to ask...

What kind of Drum Setup/Badassery does Eddie have going? Is it double bass, or single bass with twin pedal? Do you have any pictures? And what kind of Cymbals, hardware, drumsticks, etc, etc, does he use?


He uses one kick with a double pedal... you can see it if you check out the second studio diary available in another thread on this forum.

I don't think eddie has a forum name, or at least he never posts. i'll ask him
I has got a question for Eddie:
What type of drumsticks do you use and find most comfortable?

I mostly use promark 5A's...mostly. I use 5B's for practice, and building speed and whatnot, generally if I feel like it.

edit: and they have to be OAK. the hickory ones break literally within minutes
I'm a fan of meinl cymbals, I've got a hihat and 18" crash, also an 18" zildjian crash, though I've been using the Neil Peart signature ride for a while now and it's really heavy sounding. Other than that it's just a standard Tama rockstar kit...I put my 12" tom on a snare stand between hihat and and the 13" tom, which is on the left hand bass drum mount. That enables me to keep my fatty 22" ride close, and over the bass drum kinda. Other than that just my 16" floor tom and the double kick pedal...and a china. That's all.
I know someone asked about touring to Montreal and that got me to wondering if you guys foresee a tour to Chicago within the next 1-2 years at all?

And I didn't see if anyone asked this one for the guitarists but are you self-taught or have you taken any music oriented classes? Because I'm self-taught and I seem to get stuck when I practice some new techniques... :[
I know someone asked about touring to Montreal and that got me to wondering if you guys foresee a tour to Chicago within the next 1-2 years at all?

And I didn't see if anyone asked this one for the guitarists but are you self-taught or have you taken any music oriented classes? Because I'm self-taught and I seem to get stuck when I practice some new techniques... :[

Tim & Alex = Self Taught. Practice the new techniques at 60 BPM, to a metronome. Make sure you use PERFECT technique, and don't cut any corners. Never practice without the metronome. Raise it up by 5 BPM every few days. No less than a few days per tempo. Then, you'll move on.

About the tour- We have no idea. Assuming you and all your friends buy a copy of Stench when that comes out, it's almost definite that we'll tour the US. If you torrent it, however...

Tim & Alex = Self Taught. Practice the new techniques at 60 BPM, to a metronome. Make sure you use PERFECT technique, and don't cut any corners. Never practice without the metronome. Raise it up by 5 BPM every few days. No less than a few days per tempo. Then, you'll move on.

About the tour- We have no idea. Assuming you and all your friends buy a copy of Stench when that comes out, it's almost definite that we'll tour the US. If you torrent it, however...


Ahh, that's were I failed. I never used a metronome. I use Guitar Pro to learn some songs. And it comes with a metronome, but that's about it. :erk: Is it ever too late to start using a metronome?

And about the upcoming CD, point made ;). I'll have to get a prepaid credit card or something though. And you guys have Nekrogoblikon apparel, yes? (sorry for not really keeping up on this kind of stuff :cry: )

Another question (only if any of you guys play World of Warcraft)
What do you guys think about Goblins becoming a playable race in the upcoming expansion. Screw the Worgen!
Is it ever too late to start using a metronome?

And you guys have Nekrogoblikon apparel, yes?

Another question (only if any of you guys play World of Warcraft)
What do you guys think about Goblins becoming a playable race in the upcoming expansion. Screw the Worgen!

1) never. in fact, you're only hindering yourself when you practice without one!

2) we will soon

3) Used to play a ton of wow (nobody else in the band though)... got out of it ~level 69... on n off addiction since '04. Those fuckers at blizzard have me REAL tempted to rejoin with these goblin characters though. fuck!
1) never. in fact, you're only hindering yourself when you practice without one!

2) we will soon

3) Used to play a ton of wow (nobody else in the band though)... got out of it ~level 69... on n off addiction since '04. Those fuckers at blizzard have me REAL tempted to rejoin with these goblin characters though. fuck!

I shall put money aside for a metronome then! And for the apparel, I'm looking forward to it! :heh:

And alliance get Worgen. PSHHH! GOBLINS ARE BETTER THAN WORGEN! If you get back into it, you outta let me know. I'll be down to start a goblin character! :lol: