Quick clip

Cob - its sounds OK for direct, its a good impulse response, but you are not playing the riff correctly; so it sounds wack in that regard.

You're effin' up that Db pedal tone chug/anchor. Sounds like you're playing the chugs as 16th trips... not correct.

Peep this, adjust, and re-riff:

The TAB Ether posted is closer to the original... however i think a minor correction is needed, you have to replace the 2-2-2-2 chugs with 3-3-2-0.
I believe that is the way Loomis plays it.
Keregioz - Indeed. If you listen to the original recording, they are not straight Db chunks, but rather as you state, descending D D Db B chunks.

This makes this line all the more scarier and once again proves Loomis owns.

i can't run it straight into my daw, i don't have a DI box, i'm running an xlr out of my poweramp into my mic preamp to get that tone.

Edit: Man yeah I fucked that riff up, but i got fed up and left it how it is. It's a fucker to get right when the harmony comes in even the way I played it, ah shit lol. Ok, back to trying another song I guess heh. Ah well, I'm learning as I go along.