Quick home studio monitor tests

first sample. i have a massive peak at 25 sec...now i need to find out what frequency that is, but how!?:cry::lol:

EDIT: haha, ok just used an analyser. me=FAIL!:lol:

So is this something you guys are just doing by ear? Listen for a resonance and visually id the freq on an analyzer etc? Ergo.. How do?

Bumping this thread for all the dudes who've not seen it, or have moved/ changed their set up since using it last.

I just set up my new room today. Was quite pleased with the imaging results compared to the room I previously used, but jebuz that Sine sweep is still a killer. I have issues all through the sweep :(
What do you guys think about putting this in a DAW, using an EQ to make the low end balanced on the master mix, and then putting the EQ at the end of a complete mix? Thinking of using it as a ghetto quick fix until I get room treatment.