quick melodic instrumental (ENGL SE 6L6, Torpedo VB-101)


Aug 26, 2007
Paris / Montpellier, FRANCE
Here is a quick cheesy melodic instrumental i did. The guitars are quite sloppy (especially the leads, which i totally fucked-up :) ) but i just wanted to hear how it would sound like since before that it was just something i wrote in Guitar Pro.

For guitars I used my Schecter Hellraiser C1-FR (w. EMG81/85) straight (except for the wah parts that have a Morley Bad Horsie 2 in between) into my ENGL SE 6L6 with the Torpedo VB-101 (hardware loadbox+cab/mic/miking simulator).
For drums, I used some Superior 2 built-in MIDI grooves, and changed some stuff here and there.
Bass is Trilian VSTi.

In terms of writing, the song is still a work in progress.

Also, i'm trying to learn the whole premastering/get your loudness thing, but i'm not there yet :)

Let me know what you think so far.


EDIT : Dropbox link added (before i post a new and improved version)

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/15008135/ot... instru)_20110209v1(wPreMastering&Dither).mp3