Quick mix mimicking Joey Sturgis mix


May 19, 2008
guitars are digital..but bass are pretty good! what you used? :)

I used my schecter c1 with dimarzios for guitars into a podxt. I heard that's what he used so I just went for it. Bass was my 87 Spector ns2a with Haz preamp direct. I did put studio devil bass amp pro on it after the direct was recorded. Bit of eq and comp too.

Any tips to make it less digital? Probably just don't use a podxt huh? Pretty sure that's what he used though I think...
One little tip:dont try to cory settings or using presets cause every song have its own needs..use what u think that is better use your ears not eyes or mind ;-)
One little tip:dont try to cory settings or using presets cause every song have its own needs..use what u think that is better use your ears not eyes or mind ;-)

I gotcha. Wasn't really trying to copy him so much. Just trying to see if I could mimic a mix of that style like emmure. Just kinda for fun. Thx for the input. I appreciate and openly accept any criticism.
when recording give your guitars more headroom, then stage them into your mix.
As for to digital if you pad the edges to round them down using ( Gated J Verb or Simular ) most guys wouldnt know the difference.
Good luck with the mix man.

I haven't listened to your clip yet, but in general, I've found that the ugly frequencies that cause the "digital-ness" (or make it sound more prominent) are usually lying in the 2.5k-4k area. Try some notches there to see if things get better for you