Quick mix of a new Fireland song

Sounds good so far. I'd bring the vox down a tad bit, and bring the honkyness of the guitars down a bit and give them a bit of girth.

I would say you are definitely on he right track.
Much better.

Idk what else to add really. I'm sure some other peeps have input though.
maybe turn the mix down on the delay on the vox so its not so in your face on the obvious delay
Thanks for your input, guys!

Jim - I had the delays really subtle, but the rest of the guys in the band wanted them cranked, so subtle went right out the window!! Which I'm okay with... a lot of commercial stuff isn't too subtle and when you're doing stuff as an amateur, you can tend to be conservative on stuff like that. I've made the delays slightly less obvious in the latest mix anyways, but they're still "in your face" :)

At least I'm not getting any "what the hell were you thinking" or "you need to start over" type comments, so that's excellent news, heh heh. I could post a list of the gear and software used if anyone is interested...?

Latest mix: http://fm.stevemoore.tv/firelandtest/Fireland-HollowGods-TestMix3.mp3

The kick could be better, he has too much low end and room. The guitar tone is quite scooped. But the whole mix is good.
I'm gonna sue!!! ;) We've been using the name since 2003 (here's photos from then: http://www.fireland.tv/gallery.asp?gallery=main1) and registered it on bandname.com (for whatever that's worth) but we figured there'd be other guys using the name too at some point. There's probably about a dozen Fireland's knocking around somewhere! :)

Nuno Filipe - I know what you're saying about the kick, it's a bit fat and boomy. Was trying to go a bit Black Album with it, rather than a tighter (modern) sound.

Drums are being turned down, everyone seems to agree on that. I just can't trust my monitors, it would seem... Behringer!! Eek!
