Quick Mix

One of my band's new songs that we threw down some quick tracks for so I could have something new to mix
Vocals aren't finished (You'll hear them cut in and out in different parts of the song)
but the structure of the song is finished.
You're supposed to be listening to the mix anyways so it doesn't really matter
Just let me know how it sounds
and what I could change to make it better!
It's called Ostrich Test Mix


P.S. If you listen until about 4:45 you'll hear a big 808
I cannot for the life of me figure out how to get that 808 or any of the other ones in the song to sound big without clipping the rest of the mix
I already have a low shelf at 200hz at 5db
Sounds cool! It's distorting at some places for example when the big subhits are used. But other than that it sounds awesome. Drums are EZdrummer DFH right? I've heard that snare to many times.

I dig it! Let me know when it is completly finished with vocals!
I like this a lot. The kick drum is clicky but still has a lot of thud, and the tones fit in pretty well with those big thuds, except for when the clipping happens. I'm not quite sure how to get rid of it though, but it's still awesome stuff.
