Quick off topic question

Jul 30, 2005
Hey Guys,

I need your guys' to resolve a quick argument for me. I am debating with a friend, who do you guys think is an all around better electric guitar player.

Steve Vai or Jimi Hendrix.

I know that these threads get old, but I would appreciate some input here because I definitly think it is Vai by far.

If it's a matter of who actually plays the guitar better, then Vai would win without a doubt. Jimi was a blues guitarist. He became "famous" quickly because he did things that weren't done before. He was black, left-handed, and had an insane stage presence. These things contributed to the world's perspective that he is one of the greatest guitarists of all time. But, you couldn't compare his playing to what someone like Vai among others have done. Although Jimi did play with much emotion and a distinct "sound" was from his left-handed style using a right-handed strat. This is what I've come to realize through the years.
They get set aflame and cast to hell.... wait, that's sinners. But I'm ure even n00bs here have some kindof idea what happens to these threads.

But really, I do think that Vai is better than Hendrix.
Just pick up Live at the Astoria and check out the 2 Hendrix covers Vai does for yourself. Not only does he do them with absolute perfection, but he adds so much more to it than what Hendrix could have ever conceived.

Like a lot of people said, it wasnt Hendrix's guitar playing that made him who he was, it was his unique and incredible stage presence and antics, and his unique way of playing the guitar. Now with vai on the other hand, He set out to do nothing but perfect his playing, and to learn everything about the guitar that he could, and now he plays as perfect and easy like you and I breathe.

but bottom line, there is no best, each and every guitarist that has lived has brought us there unique take on how the guitar should be played and sound.
Thanks for the input guys. To clear things up, I am not a Noob, I have been on this forum for quite some time, I just don't post much. I know the Vs. threads get old, but my friend was insisting that I could not find anyone else that thought the same I do. Most of the poeple on here actually think the way I do, so I made the thread to prove him wrong. I think he realizes now that he is just a drummer and doesn't know much when it comes to playing guitar, so thanks guys.

Statler Waldorf said:
Thanks for the input guys. To clear things up, I am not a Noob, I have been on this forum for quite some time, I just don't post much. I know the Vs. threads get old, but my friend was insisting that I could not find anyone else that thought the same I do. Most of the poeple on here actually think the way I do, so I made the thread to prove him wrong. I think he realizes now that he is just a drummer and doesn't know much when it comes to playing guitar, so thanks guys.


Its not so much that they get old...they get (in the words of Strong Bad)..

a digga...

a digga...


Yngvai X said:
Its not so much that they get old...they get (in the words of Strong Bad)..

a digga...

a digga...


Strongbad. The Voice of Reason.