Quick question about "Hold at venue box office"

Det Som Engang Var

Viking Bastard
Jun 3, 2005
Houston, TX
I guess it's too late to have them mailed, but when buying Agalloch tickets online the option is "Will Call, hold at venue box office."

I know this is a stupid question, but that means I just get them right at the venue, right?
Not having a credit card, I payed my mom to use hers. It says credit card must be shown at venue, that's fine but since the card is in her name does that also mean I'd need her ID?
Yes this is one problem you'll have, it depends on the venue but some are REALLY strict about it, dunno if yours is. I've actually had a venue who wanted to see both the card and ID (but that was a veryyy rare situation and never happened again). The biggest thing is having the same name though if you explain you used your mom's card and you have the same last name on your ID they'd hopefully be cool.
You could always print the page that says you bought the ticket online and whatnot if you saved that or a confirmation email. Honestly I don't know what your venue would do considering that some are dicks and really strict while others if you know the name of the person with the ticket obviously you're connected thus you can get the ticket etc.

whatever info you have or things that prove you bought it you might as well bring; it's no skin off your back and makes you prepared in case they do decide to be uptight
Thanks dude.

I have no problem paying for two more tickets if I have to, I just hope they don't sell out. Surely I can buy at the door if I get there early enough, right?

Agalloch isn't that popular to sell out. I think.
John, remember when we were going to see Dimmu Borgir and instead of tickets, I had confirmation emails for the tickets on hold at the venue? That's what you want to do. Like said, just print out the emails and bring your ID.
yeah thats sketchy but sometimes they just say that. they say that at a lot of places but end up not giving a fuck; as long as you bring everything you can and explain your situation you're pretty likely to be fine (and as you said it's not likely they'd sell out)
I've never had to present a card. ID and confirmation e-mails sufficed. It may just depend on the venue. I would call them up and talk to a manager about that. Let him know what you have just to be sure.
i wouldnt count on buying more tickets at the gate, agalloch seems to sell out most shows, and i doubt people in new orleans have had many chances to see them in the past. just get all your papers together that prove you bought em and bring them with you, if you have all your stuff theyd have to be world class dicks to still deny you entry with multiple other items of proof. have your mom write a note to go with the credit card that says she gave you permission to use it, and have her sign it the same way she signed the card, that way they have something to look at with an authentic sig, further proof you're legit.