Quick Question That Requires an Even Quicker Answer - What Setting For Pan Law?

Dec 16, 2010
Quick question that requires an even quicker answer - What setting do you guys like to use for the "Pan Law" in Reaper? The default settings is -3 db (i.e two of the same guitar tracks are panned hard left and hard right, and the volume for each is decreased by 3dbs)

Do you use -3, 0 or some other setting?
If you're using two speakers - use -3dB.

There are arguments for different panning laws, but to be honest I've never really felt the need to have anything other than 3.
In Reaper make sure you use the +3.0 (Boost L/R) version of the pan law, not the -3.0. The +3.0 boosts the signal when it's panned, -3.0 cuts the signal in the center. They sound the same, but the +3.0 plays much nicer with the routing in Reaper. If you use the -3.0 one, as soon as you throw something into a folder it gets cut by -3.0db. Using the +3.0 pan law avoids this problem!

If you are using Reaper 4, they changed these options slightly, now there's just a "Gain compensated" checkbox instead of all the + options in the dropdown, so make sure you have gain compensation turned on! :)