Quick tone test - trying to get an aggressive 7 string tone

wow, loving the guitars and the bass relatonship soundwise. however, lowering the bass a db or so would be to my linking.

care to share the signal chain for your guitars?
Yeah agreed, already made some changes to the bass since this clip. It wasn't so much a volume issue, just a tonal choice I think.
Guits are revalver 6505 model into a 50/50 blend of Greg's recto cab and catharsis s_preshigh.

I'm finding the tone a little scratchy/harsh though. It's alright on this clip because it's a simple 2-note riff, but when it gets into more notey riffs it's just all CCKKK CKKHKK HKKKKCCCKK!!!
haha I know what it feels like when that happens. rest your easrs.
so now that your ears seem to have rested, do you still find the guitars too harsh?
They are a little on the scratchy side but that's what I was going for anyway. I wanted some real 'grit' up in there. Maybe if I push the presence up a tad it'll smooth things over... I dunno, I'll see how it is on other tracks, no need to panic right now, early days!

I love the drums :-0 mind sharing? kick/snare/toms sounds pretty good <3
Mind sharing what did you do to the kick =0 This is the sound I'm looking for, especially the kick x0 it sounds good in low tuning music.
I got a tone for a 7 String for the POD if you want that. I got a tone test for it on one of the posts here, the "Groove - Tone Test" one, not sure what it sounds like through monitors, but through my TV, Phone, Headphones and Surround, it sounds Decent!

Just give us a message if you want the raw tone from it! :D

By the way dude, What settings did you use for the head? i cant get mine to sound anything like that haha. What post processing did you do?

and what did you use to run the Impulses through?
I've made some changes, will post shortly. Brought the LP down a bit lower on the most harsh impulse, let the other one breathe.

Kick is one of Lasse's awesome LSD kicks, Synarchy kick I believe, tuned down a wee bit to change the fundamental pitch of the click to match the low tuning.

I got a tone for a 7 String for the POD if you want that. I got a tone test for it on one of the posts here, the "Groove - Tone Test" one, not sure what it sounds like through monitors, but through my TV, Phone, Headphones and Surround, it sounds Decent!

Just give us a message if you want the raw tone from it! :D

By the way dude, What settings did you use for the head? i cant get mine to sound anything like that haha. What post processing did you do?

and what did you use to run the Impulses through?

Settings are pretty standard 5150/6505 settings,
Low 7/8
Mid 2
Hi 6
Res 7
Pres 6
One side with a TS, one side without (adjust gain and bass settings to compensate)

I used LeCab 2 to blend the impulses, HP @100hz LP @8khz, -2db dip at 3.5k with a narrow Q just to dry it out a bit.
I don't personally think so man. You'll know once you got vocals in there whether the guitars need a nudge. But that sounds about right for a slightly more aggressive guitar based track. If they were to come down I'd only suggest 1.5db or something. Really minimal tweaks.