Quickest tone test!Line6 GuitarPort

yeah sorry to say, its kinda bad. Spend more time working on it and reading about amp sims. And no offense but if you just got a guitarport im sure you havent spent much time practicing recording and mixing and such. Just my 2 cents
I wrote in the title of this thread that this is quickest tone test, no post processing at all so I'll tweak a little more tomorrow but I want to get tone similar like on this video
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^ Nah they don't, they sound like they have less gain, no low-end and they're too higher-middy and twangy.

I didn't mean to be mean, but the tone just doesn't cut it. Try LePou's LeGion and Ryan's spreshigh impulse; even though it'll surely sound different from that video, you'll have a better basic tone.
^ Nah they don't, they sound like they have less gain, no low-end and they're too higher-middy and twangy.

I didn't mean to be mean, but the tone just doesn't cut it. Try LePou's LeGion and Ryan's spreshigh impulse; even though it'll surely sound different from that video, you'll have a better basic tone.

this times a million