Quick mix - feedback wanted.


OneMetal.com Music Editor

Haven't posted one of these in a while! This is a quick thrashy riff I came up with today, spent most of the last four hours or so tweaking my Guitarport settings to come up with this one.

Equipment consists of a guitar, a bass, Leafdrums shareware drum sequencing software, a Line6 Guitarport, Adobe Audition and Waves.

Any tips/criticisms/suggestions welcomed.

(oops, sorry wasn't yelling, I can't type I have to look at the keyboard.)

anyway, maybe some bass processing would round it out. samples sound nice. Leafdrums? I'm going to check that out.
Leafdrums is great for a quick-and-easy drum sequencing program - no velocity mapping though, and the samples that come with it are somewhat dodgy. I took the kick drum sample from 'The Curse Of The Great' from Cryptopsy's 'Once Was Not' album (about 3:25 in), and the snare was taken from the intro to 'Only Tools And Corpses' by Gorerotted.

Thanks for the feedback too - I came back and listened to the mix again an hour ago and came to the same conclusion about the guitars' top end as you, so here's a new mix with re-recorded guitars using tweaked guitar tones.

Hey man, sounds fantastic. I myself have been struggling with getting a usable tone out of the Guitarport. Do you think you could possibly share your settings? I would be really grateful.

There you go dude - a .zip file with the four tones I used to record that track with in it. I tracked my riff once with each of the tones - tone 1 was panned 100% left, tone 2 was panned 80% left, tone 3 was panned 100% right, and tone 4 was panned 80% right. I think I mixed tones 2 and 4 about 4dBs higher than 1 and 3, too.