Quicksand/Deftones style band (ex-Heights vocalist)


Oct 29, 2009
Milton Keynes
(Removed link)

It's the first mix so there's still some automation to do, but as much feedback as possible would be appreciated!

EDIT: Updated mixes posted below.
I'm digging this man, mix seems lacking in top-end, might just be the style. Everything fits together pretty well, vocals seem a little too upfront at times I think.
I like it!

I think the guitars are pretty dry, and not very chunky, maybe a boost at 100hz and subtract it from the bass guitar. I like that I can hear the bass guitar. not feeling the singer though, maybe some background singing, or making the production of the vocals less one dimensional would help.
I think the mix is pretty spot on for the quicksand deftones reference, very dry and easy to listen to and easy to discern the separate elements. Two things stand out to me as not quite there.

Singer guy is no Maynard or Walter and is really kind of a bummer considered how melodic the band is, I would seek more opportunities to drench those vocals in ambience, verb throws, flange, delay... really any creative thing you can think of to dress it up and make it less one dimensional.

The snare is a bit flat I think. Something as simple as a high shelf or a small boost up top would really help it come out a bit.
I think the guitars are perfect for the style. Maybe a touch more kick? Im listening on headphones so it could just be me. Also if you really want to go for the classic quicksand thing you would throw a slow analog style chorus on the bass lol
Liking the 90s sounding music with the current MHC vocals, its a winner.
Can you tell me the guitar chain, would be a great help. I'm currently seeking a similar overdriven tone to this and failing so hard.
Sure thing!
Left channel is Fender Jazzmaster going through Hughes and Kettner Trilogy into my Zilla SFB.

Right channel is Epi Les Paul Custom (EMG 85+81) going though a Marshall JCM 2000 into the Zilla too.

The positions changed a lot but the cab is mic'd with a 57 (Tape Op mod), Cascade Fathead II and Audio Technica AT4040.

Both guitars have an OCD Fulltone in front of the amp.

There's also a re-amp signal of the H&K's send channel going into a 5150 poweramp/Mesa cab impulse response blended in a little.
snare seems a bit overbearing in song 1, the bottomend of the snare masks the guitars quite a bit, otherwise mix seems fine, could maybe use more space in terms of reverb/delay to accompany the spheary chords.