Quite possibly the funniest video I've ever seen

Dead Winter

Apr 30, 2002


He moves around too much in that video to see who I am thinking of, but he looks an awful lot like a very popular movie star in this video.

He has a whole collection of videos that he puts up to make people laugh. He doesn't take himself too seriously and he stated that he wants people to laugh at his videos. I don't see the problem with a person who can make light of their affliction, no matter how serious it may be. I'm not laughing at him because he has tourette's, I'm laughing because it's just_fucking_funny.

If he's not offended by it then why should anyone else be? Furthermore, why should we tiptoe around something that's designed to be funny simply because it may not be funny to humorless sticks in the mud? It's not a serious video about the embarrassing tics caused by tourette's...it's just a funny video.
This, however, IS a serious clip from a guy who has tourette's. But you know what? It's still fucking funny. I'm not laughing at this person, I'm simply laughing at what he says and not the fact that he says it. This is sad, but it's fucking hysterical too. If that makes me an asshole, well fuck it...I'm just an asshole who enjoys a good laugh. I don't mean any ill will towards anyone with tourette's and I would never condone anyone teasing them because they are victims of a terrible disorder; but it's still fucking funny. Everyone else who gets all high and mighty because they're offended at the fact that it's just funny needs to come down from their ivory tower because, "HE DOES 'IS PUBES GINGAH!!!" is fucking hilarious. Even the other people with tourette's are laughing.

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To me it's the juxtaposition of the tourette's with Chicago that makes it funny. In the other videos, it's the phrases he uses that I find funny. I would find them funny if a person without tourette's said it.
It's just that humor involving nothing but curse words is so old. Especially when it's the same couple words over and over and over and over and blaaaahhhhh

I dunno, maybe I'm a square but it just seems like something only teenagers find hilarious.
Well, like I said, in the other vids it's the phrases the group uses that are funny to me, like "He does his pubes ginger". For example, the second video where he was talking about Bioshock wasn't funny at all because he was being serious and he was battling his tics. I didn't find it remotely funny because it's just random swear words that he can't help. But the fact that he thought it would be funny to put together his tourette's with karaoke is hysterical, imo. It's the guy who's funny, not the tourette's.
It's just that humor involving nothing but curse words is so old. Especially when it's the same couple words over and over and over and over and blaaaahhhhh

I dunno, maybe I'm a square but it just seems like something only teenagers find hilarious.

Yeah, that's my thing. It's nothing about being sensitive to someone's disorder or having problems with making light of disabilities. It's juat that it's not funny at all, in any respect. It's just curse words over and over.