Internationaly known
Ross___ said:...and I ALWAYS fuck myself lovingly.
Yeah that usually happens when you cant get pussy....:Smug:
Ross___ said:...and I ALWAYS fuck myself lovingly.
Ross___ said:Kiss my piss fatty.
coolsnow7 said:Yup, one dangerous majority over there. A grand total of, if I remember correctly, 3% more of the country voted for Bush than for Kerry. Wow. 3%. I think that gives Bush the right to pass any legislation he goddamn pleases, the entire country is behind him. If you want to look at it a different way, and I think it's a bit smarter personally, the minority of the country voted for Kerry because, whether or not they have absolutely no sense of morality to speak of, they realize that the vast majority of the stuff Bush has done and will do will not help the country at all. If you really want, I can come up with piles and piles of statistics to demonstrate how Bush has fucked up a wide variety of things. Don't you think it's a bit smarter to fix the country first, worry about the moral state of a church-state-seperate country later?
On a funny and derogatory sidenote, 35% of the country said they voted for Bush for "moral values." Another poll demonstrated that of those polled, 30% thought god speaks to George Bush. I am not making this up.
ivankoloff said:that proves their fucking stupidity, voting for a worthless piece of lying shit like kerry simply because they do not like bush. why not vote libertarian? and bush won with THE HIGHEST POPULAR VOTE TOTAL IN HISTORY. AT LEAST THOSE PEOPLE VOTED FOR BUSH FOR OTHER REASONS THAN JUST NOT LIKING JOHN KERRY. KERRY LOST BY 4-5 MILLION VOTES, THAT IS ALOT.
ivankoloff said:europe could fit into the usa, it is very small, you have to have a passport because every country is 50 miles apart. what is the distance between california and new york? france to germany? i guess if you dont travel the world your just a right-wing moron huh? move to france, have fun. maybe if we all got passports and went all over the globe we could hear from other counties about how we are stupid because we voted for bush and we are evil, and we are fat and lazy and stupid with no culture. what pisses them off is that they think those things of us, and resent us because we have the highest standard of living on earth. people at or below the poverty line in the usa enjoy a higher standard of living than the average european!!!!!!!! not the average european in poverty, THE AVERAGE EUROPEAN. if you are a left-winger, travelling outside the usa is great because you are amongst people who hate america just like you, and you are amongst people who hate george bush just like you. fuck the rest of the world, they want to weaken our country because we have it soooo good here. like kofi annan, that scumbag, wants the usa to pony up 70 billion dollars per year to the u.n., so the u.n. can use it for an international welfare program. what do you think of that mister globetrotter???
That must have shocked all the Bush haters. They all thought they would win, and then they looked at the map and shit their pants.ivankoloff said:ALSO, WHY DONT YOU TAKE A GOOD HARD LOOK AT THE MAP OF 'RED' STATES AND 'BLUE' STATES AND TELL ME THAT ONLY 3% MORE VOTED FOR BUSH. HELL LOOK AT THE COUNTY BY COUNTY MAP WHILE YOU ARE AT IT. NOTHING BUT 'RED' AND A FEW SPECKS OF BLUE![]()
Ross___ said:Isn't that because the population varies in diferent areas?
Also, If Kerry lost by four million votes, then Bush also ALMOST lost by four million votes. It was a very close thing - get over it. That's a fact.
I have some spare straws here if you'd like to clutch at them.
("I don't need your stinking foreign straws, etc, etc...")
How do people feel about the statistic that only 35% of US citizens have a passport?
Sometimes I hear people saying that they've met lots of Americans who aren't blinkered, right-wing idiots. They met them OUTSIDE America. Some perspective on the rest of the world, anyone? No? Thought not.
("We don't need your stinking foreign perspective, etc, etc...")
I like lots of Americans. Some of my best friends are...oh, hang on...they're Canadian. Well, I'm in the right place for racist cheap shots. Just trying to fit in.
I love you all.
ivankoloff said:and another thing, if it werent for the usa half of the globe would be speaking german right now, ......
random_phil's_beard said:German is a cool language, ja?
johnnieCzech said:hearing the language just gives me creeps.
ivankoloff said:and another thing, if it werent for the usa half of the globe would be speaking german right now, the usa has had to bail out europe in 2 world wars, those ungrateful pricks would be saluting hitler if it werent for the usa dammit.. those assholes resent us because we have saved their worthless asses over and over again and they depend on us for money. the usa is the most powerful country in the world and if it is not us than it would be somebody else. who would you rather be the worlds dominant superpower? the communist chinese, the french, please. ungrateful, elitist douchebags![]()
Ross___ said:Don't you mean "the UK?"
ivankoloff said:europe could fit into the usa, it is very small, you have to have a passport because every country is 50 miles apart. what is the distance between california and new york? france to germany? i guess if you dont travel the world your just a right-wing moron huh? move to france, have fun. maybe if we all got passports and went all over the globe we could hear from other counties about how we are stupid because we voted for bush and we are evil, and we are fat and lazy and stupid with no culture. what pisses them off is that they think those things of us, and resent us because we have the highest standard of living on earth. people at or below the poverty line in the usa enjoy a higher standard of living than the average european!!!!!!!! not the average european in poverty, THE AVERAGE EUROPEAN. if you are a left-winger, travelling outside the usa is great because you are amongst people who hate america just like you, and you are amongst people who hate george bush just like you. fuck the rest of the world, they want to weaken our country because we have it soooo good here. like kofi annan, that scumbag, wants the usa to pony up 70 billion dollars per year to the u.n., so the u.n. can use it for an international welfare program. what do you think of that mister globetrotter???