Quitting smoking fucking sucks.

lanky noob

Jan 13, 2012
The shire, UK
Only quitting to save money so I can afford to move away for uni, going cold turkey. One day in and i've got massive headaches, can't stop eating and feel ill.

Anybody else had this/stuff like this when quitting?
Don't do it, If you don't want to... you won't.

Thing is I do, because I want to save money, as much as I enjoy smoking, the fact is i'm not prepared to let a massive opportunity slip me by because i'd rather inhale the fumes of a dead plant, to put it bluntly :p :lol:

Find a substitute? (flavored chew sticks seem to be a popular one around me, or if you need to smoke something, make it green and sticky!)

The purpose is to save money, not spend even more ;)
I never got headaches or anything like that, but I never actually made a serious attempt at quitting either.

Every New Year, for the past God-knows-how-many-years, I've "tried" to quit. But not really.

Thinking about going E-Cig. Been waking up the past few months wheezing, coughing, and recently pains in my chest. It's scary and you'd think that'd be enough to make me quit right away, but it isn't.

Quitting cigarettes is supposedly harder than quitting heroin. And I have a brother who was hooked on heroin and I've seen how crazy that shit can be.

Don't just do it to save $; think about your health as well. I probably spend $100 on ciggs and beer alone each week. And after doing it for so long, it's a fucking TOUGH habit to break.

Good luck, man.
I've heard a lot of good things about a book called Alan Cars Easy way to stop smoking. .


Unfortunately I've never bothered buying it as I've been thinking of it as a last resort but I'm at the last resort stage now haha.

Apparently the titles a bit tongue in cheek but its got loads of good reviews.

Good luck from me too!
That allen car dude's got some stuff on youtube that all makes sense, and watching this has sort of kicked my ass in to gear, there's no reason it shouldn't be easy :)

and cheers guys!

Definitely worth the 50 minute watch
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My mom made me quit.

I've been smoking since 15 or so, I'm 23 now. Not as bad as some people, but quitting early is your best bet, don't know how long, or how many per day, but if you try hard enough, as in life, almost anything is impossible.

I switched my habits to pure nicotine, using a rechargeable refillable electronic cigarette, and I mix my own delicious vaporous flavors, learned just by watching youtube and got better results than buying liquids from companies.

Good luck to you.
Seems to be going for about £160 an ounce here, so about $250 bahaha, not to mention that everyone round here is a scheming prick, more times than I care to remember i've had weird shit laced in with my weed that's done nothing but fuck me up, and not in a good way :lol: Never mind that it costs £10 here to get about a 1.2 gram bag, and even then it's stalky as shit and more than likely covered in other crap
Last time I gave up, I replaced ciggarettes with tea. Worked pretty well.

I still have the odd one now and again in a social situation, but compared to how I used to be I'm fine with that.