Quote Of The Week

Logan is playing in a band called Medication with some other dysfunctional fools, they just released an album thats supposed to be really good and they are already on the verge of breaking up :D
Ah I see! I'll have to try to download an mp3 from somewhere. How does Whitfield sound on vocals?

Logan can't seem to make his mind up. Left MH, went to Soulfly, left, and now you say his band is on the verge of breaking up.
Yes, I believe he was kicked from those gigs. He must be an arse to work with.
I heard about that project a while ago, and thought it might be interesting when I heard that Crane was on vocals. Whats it like Gore?

The first 2 MH albums are good, and I used to love them to death. Not so much what I am into now, and hardly ever listen to them, but they were one of the things that got me into thrash, so I still respect em. I used to really love the sound on TMTC, guitar sound and such. VERY solid. Not sure which album I prefer though.
I read there was a bit of conflict with MH, so he left them in order to further his musical ambitions (hehehe). Also wasn't happy with the way the money situation was - the others wanted to reinvest in the band, while he wanted to get more for personal use. Or something.