Friends That Change

Winmar said:
What the fuck's with raves? Dance music is a fucking plague in England, where it's even worse. Seems like nobody listens to anything else. Fucking E. If you can't listen to music without taking drugs, then it's shit!

Same thing in Canada mate! You are sleeping in your room when suddenly a modified honda civid with a couple of kids run down the street listening to dance full power "BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM" It wakes you up, and believe me waking up to dance music is one of the worst thing to happen in life :zombie: :yuk:
So what if he doesn't listen to the same music you still listen to? I don't understand. Unless he's turned into an arsehole.

one of my best mates back years ago when he used to live in Aussie "he's from sweden" went soft ..
we once went to highschool together , we used to rage hell , play slayer and anthrax and death and go nuts , we used to see gigs and have a hell of a time ,
he tells me to listen to Stevie wonder now ..
what the fuck happened ,
he complains that slayer's riffs are too hard that they can't play it tight themslef ..
the fact remains that no matter how good you are you still make mistakes here and there .. it's natural , but it doesn't mean you can't do your studio songs live , that's only in metallica's case ...
they have a handfull of songs they can't play live ....
he's still a good blocke , but i guess time changes the weak /....
Am I missing something here? What does it matter if someone decides they don't want to listen to metal anymore?

You're only friends with someone because they have the same taste in music as you? -blinks-
I don't got no problem with people changing tastes. The only reason I don't see the guy I mentioned anymore is becasue he moved to Sydney and I lost his contact details. The vast majority, nay, I'll say all my friends don't listen to metal anyway.
Only 2 of my friends listen to metal, and one of them doesn't really like any of the same bands anyway. Is all good though. :)

The guy I was talking about wasn't really a mate, just a guy I knew, and I don't think there is anything wrong with it at all, its just damn weird that people can change that much in such a short time.
Wrathchild said:
Did somebody mention Millennium? !

'Tis a crime that they haven't released complete seasons of that on DVD yet, a crime I tell you!

People's musical tastes evolve over the years, but the majority of metalheads (excluding the types that Phloggy and Troops talked about) stay tr00 to their musical origins while exploring different stuff as well. I've done that quite a bit over the last ten years. There's no reason why you can't like steak and cheesecake. Just not on the same plate /forum/images/smilies/smile.gif.


Beside Kem's comments this is the best put point I have seen here, I am one of those metalheads with a very very broad range of musical taste that has evolved over the years. While I will never ever back of from metal I have been known to soften up every now and then especially since Blaze was born
Kem said:
Am I missing something here? What does it matter if someone decides they don't want to listen to metal anymore?

You're only friends with someone because they have the same taste in music as you? -blinks-

Give that girl a pint. :)

This is the worst thing about 'metal' - people with little tolerance for other peoples taste or way or life. We prattle on about being persecuted throughout our youth for listening to metal, then we go and do it to someone else.
But as i said thats all you have in common with some people, and when they change, you have nothing to talk about
If the only reason you're friends with someone is because you both like metal, then... gee. There's got to be more to it than that.
You could look at it the other way round and see that there are many people out there who originally listen to other types of music, then later on their tastes change and they get into metal. Anyway if someone was a real friend then it shouldn't bother you what type of music they listen to - if you're only friends with someone just because you both like metal I don't think it will work out.

Surely there are many teenyboppers out there who complain about metal and the people who listen to it, but I don't think metalheads showing the same sort of intolerance towards other people is the way to go - 2 wrongs don't make a right.