R.I.P. Dylan Mount


The Dreaming Mind
Mar 14, 2004
I heard news that a "Dylan" from Ukiah committed suicide and was found in his apartment a few days ago. I had no idea it was you. When I asked people about him they made it seem like it was "a 'Portland Dylan' you don't really know". I just found out that it was you last night, and the news crushed me. I randomly thought about you the day it happened. You seemed lonely, so I was going to invite you over to play magic with all of us, even though I suck. I should have called you. I randomly felt "worried about you" and I should have followed through with the actions of being a good friend. We were going to do a huge hellsing-inspired painting together. I still plan on doing it.

I found out that a lot of people heard he was suicidal but just brushed it off and assumed he was after attention. If anyone ever needs someone to talk to, I'm always here. Times are hard for everybody, practice kindness and nurture your friends.

RIP Dylan Mount
Tod Harrison
Russell Leland Sawyer



If you like, everyone can post pictures of people they wish to remember here...I thought maybe it would help someone.