R.I.P. Luciano Pavarotti

It is sad that he is gone but thankfully recording technology has allowed great performances to be immortalized.

There are singers of legend in the days before technology existed and some such as Enrico Caruso set the bar in the early days of recording.

Luciano was the premier tenor of our time and those performances can be revisited for future singers to see how high the bar is. :worship:

It is sad that he is gone but thankfully recording technology has allowed great performances to be immortalized.

There are singers of legend in the days before technology existed and some such as Enrico Caruso set the bar in the early days of recording.

Luciano was the premier tenor of our time and those performances can be revisited for future singers to see how high the bar is. :worship:


good point jim - i bet there's alot of cool ass vibratos and tones we've missed out on but yeah pavarotti definately raised the bar. did you see that one mythbusters when they yelled at the clay pot while making it and then later were able to distinguish some words from the markings by playing it back? i thought that was interesting cuz maybe some preserved vintage sounds exist on clay pots that could be played back today - like an old indian lady's killer belch hehhehehe