R.I.P. Michael Jackson

leave it to MJ to upstage farah Fawcett!! Ed Mcmahon earlier this week.They say it comes in 3's but in this case 4's I just heard jeff Goldblum fell to his death off a cliff while shooting a movie in New Zealand this morning. David Cassidy 2 weeks ago.They're dropping like flies!
Despite all the negative publicity surrounding him over the past two decades, I still enjoyed his music. He put a rather crappy performance here in the Philppines back in 1996, but I still listened to his songs. I also used to play the hell out of the Moonwalker game.

When Dangerous was released, he recorded an old song called "Gone Too Soon." Looks like I'll be playing that today in memory of Michael.

R.I.P. Michael Jackson.:cry:
leave it to MJ to upstage farah Fawcett!! Ed Mcmahon earlier this week.They say it comes in 3's but in this case 4's I just heard jeff Goldblum fell to his death off a cliff while shooting a movie in New Zealand this morning. David Cassidy 2 weeks ago.They're dropping like flies!

David Cassidy, wha???!!! I didn't hear anything about that and just checked online and didn't find anything about him dying. Wassup?
Cassidy is fine. With so many deaths, pranksters are pulling all kinds of crap. Someone hacked Britney Spears' Twitter account and broadcast that she died, too. And ONTD had the false report of Louie Anderson biting it.

Billy Mays and Fred Travelena were real. Really sucks about Billy. Who can replace that big mouth? Certainly not Vince the Slap Chopper.
Kirsten "Bruce Chickinson";8378831 said:
David Cassidy, wha???!!! I didn't hear anything about that and just checked online and didn't find anything about him dying. Wassup?

I meant David Carradine Sorry!:oops:

I heard MJ's cause of death was food poisoning he choked on 12 year old nuts!!!

Who's Fred Travelena?