R.I.P. Mike Howe?

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Jul 16, 2002
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Just read about the death of Mike Howe (ex-Metal Church singer) from a heart attack on that website in French: http://www.vs-webzine.com/METAL.php?page=NEWS&id_news=61778&droite=

Didn't find the news on any other sites so far. If it's indeed true, it's a sad day, as Howe released some excellent albums with Metal Church, when he replaced the late David Wayne. Is there a curse on Metal Church singers?

R.I.P. Mike and thanks for the music.


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I sure hope it's not true. It's very weird there are no other sites talking about this...I was always hoping that Howe would come back someday and release something with a new band so let's hope he's alive and well...
I havent been able to fond any other news source confirming yet. I really hope not. The HERETIC album "Breaking Point" is one of my all time favs.
Bummer. I sure hope it's not true as well. I saw Metal Church on the "Blessing in Disguise" tour way back when. Not only was it an incredible show, Mike was extremely nice to talk with and I got his autograph and a picture with him before the show. Unfortunately I never had the chance to see Metal Church w/Mike again.
Saw the same thing and been looking for a confirmation. Friends with some of the MC guys on FB and havent seen anything.....hopefully it isnt true!
One of my contacts in France who knows the administrators of the website who released the news just told me that it was a hoax by someone from that site. Mike Howe is alive and well. Good news! But shame on the guy who thought of that bad joke...
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