
John Ritter floored me.. I love that man.. everything he's done in comedy has been incredible. His new show was one of the best things on TV for comedy. Everything that man has done has made me laugh throughout my entire life.. from Threes Company to movies like Stay Tuned and Real Men to his new sit-com. It really saddens me.

Time to start hunting for DVDs of him.

Now it's time for me to start pushing for my band to do a metal cover of the theme somg from Threes Company.. it kinda got shelved a while back.
Cash was a folk artist who happened to play some country tunes as well. Cash was a true original. How many seventy year-olds are going to cover a Nine-Inch-Nails tune ?

Ritter was also a legend of sorts in his own right. Few comedies were in syndication as long as Three's Company. Both artists will be missed.
