

+ Dripping.With.Sin +
Nov 26, 2001
Area 54 rocked soo much last night!! I had fun!!! it was loud, and ppl were going mad, and i got hit in the head, and it was all sooo much fun!! :)

now today, i ache, and i have a sore finger, cos some fucker close a door on my finger during Stampin' Ground! grrr!! but its ok, it was nothing fatal, no nails were broken!! :)
It did mightily kick ass, shame about the sound but 'twas 54 all the same. I got me a signed cymbal too so that was awesome! Roll on the next album/more touring please!!!
yeah storming gig, apart from a dodgy sound during 54's set,but like the troopers that they are they got on with sorting out intial sound and did a good gig.
But hey lets hope those people rocking out and checking out will be enthused to see the band again, after all it was a small friendly gig (i hope) and hopefully for all bands concerned well worth the effort.

Set list Living a lie, the last embrace ( is that a short song lakis? can't wait for a long one from ya! tee hee!), Beyond a pale existence, The face of all your fears ( i think the sound was pretty crap at that point), in my blood and cancer of the mind.... not in that order mind...i hope i have that right as i had been at the Harp since noon and although not downing loads of pints i had had a few by the time 54 were on..if i am wrong spank me :) oooeer missus.

to all those people that i spoke to hi,
big horns up to charlottes ma, nice chatting again.
Mia 'I've broken a finger nail' (sorry i wasn't a good boy scout and didn't have me nail file handy!!)...hope it gets sorted.. nail Nurse i ain't :) ha ha
Charlotte, cool hair girl and jeezs how high can those boots go , smirk!
Laura's out fit ( a quick rendition of the following ' That's what i go to school for' oh dear has Petey been out drinking again! ha ha ha ha!!! i think so! hey i'm legal )
Steve, Rob, laura and lakis Rock on it is worth it and can't wait for the new songs/cd.
and just in case to all those at the Harp Rock Bar if you happen to come this way and check out the site, thanks for a cool, and relaxed day out, the beer was good the sounds were cool and the food was edible (which makes all the difference)...top day, be back i'm sure.
I didnt get any pics, im not really sure why!!

Peter: yeah my mum rocks!!! im never wearing those boots again on a hot day!! i felt like i was gonna catch fire!! hehe!!

was good to see ppl again! :)
No Stage Diving