"racist stereotypical tapestry"

here we go again...:Smug:

Monday, December 29, 2003
By Scott Norvell
The deep thinkers at Indymedia have come to the conclusion that the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy paints a "racist stereotypical tapestry" that does a disservice to young viewers everywhere.

Lloyd Hart says people of color are all associated with the Dark Lord Sauron in the movie and the elephant-riding mercenaries too closely resemble the cultures of Africa, Persia and East Asia. The Uruk-hai also too closely resemble Native Americans, which is sure to cause "a great deal of cultural and racial alienation."

The fact that King Theoden, a white guy, calls his troops the "great warriors of the West" clinches it in Hart’s eyes.

"Can you imagine how people of skin color, of Persian, Arab and East Asian ethnic background feel when they come out of these films where all the heroes are white and all the 'evil doers' are of dark skin," Hart writes.
I thought Aragorn was the one who said that "men of the West" line.

Like outside the black gate. He said something like "stand tall, men of the WEST!"

I could be wrong.
this guy sounds kind of like the whiners who said that attack of the clones was racist against hispanics because Django Fett was clearly Latino, and the argument they had with the people who said that he was definitely Arab and clearly intended to be a terrorist and didn't "Boba" sound like the Arabic word for "father"?

and as far as I know, Maori don't have many ties with either Latinos or Arabs.