20 Very Cool Australian Metal Albums

i believe the album is released Feb or March, i dunno, but i got a promo copy from someone.....yet to listen to it. ive been busy of late
Goreripper said:
Which Segression site did you do?

I was working on one called Cage of Nails, then I found out someone else put one called Cage of Nails up about 3 hours before I did, so I got bored, then gave the whole design to Dave_e.
Segression's earlier stuff is awesome. Listening to it, it is surprising that they weren't more successful. It was very ahead of its time in places.

More than half of the albums on that list are ones I have been always meaning to check out, but never have.

I don't like Damaged. I don't like grind, either. :)
Mark said:
Are Segression that band that supported Megadeth? Or did they support Ozzy a few years back?
Megadeth support was Psi-Kore. Half of them are in Daysend now. Dunno if Segression supported Ozzy as we didn't get that tour, but I know Segression supported Pantera/COC if you went to that.
I also don't like Damaged or grind :)

My fave Aussie albums are Back In Black, Flick Of The Switch (although prob technically not Australian by that stage!), Roxus' Nightstreet, Vanishing Point's In Thought (though now Tangled is growing on me more) and Dungeon's Resurrection. I also love Roxus' Live EP, that's the best, but its only 4 tracks. I got a DeMont single the other day and its AWESOME. How many albums did they do, if any?
Wicked, gotta try and hunt them down then! They rule! :)

In Thought does rock Blitzy :) Imagine if it had the production (and Silvio's improved vocals) of Tangled In Dream, it'd be even better! The songs are stronger than on Tangled I think but Tangled has the far better sound. Their melodies are just so infectious I think! I can't wait for the new album!
The Trooper said:
I also don't like Damaged or grind :)

My fave Aussie albums are Back In Black, Flick Of The Switch (although prob technically not Australian by that stage!), Roxus' Nightstreet, Vanishing Point's In Thought (though now Tangled is growing on me more) and Dungeon's Resurrection. I also love Roxus' Live EP, that's the best, but its only 4 tracks. I got a DeMont single the other day and its AWESOME. How many albums did they do, if any?
DeMont did 2! And a live album recorded at Parra RSL I think it was!
I think In Thought is more consistent coz I love every track (except Dream Maker), whereas Tangled rules at the start but has some low points in the 2nd half I think.

Hahaha Xena that's pretty funny, recording a live album at an RSL haha!
is Flowers that song thats like that Judas Priest song umm i think its called "Beyond The Realms of Death"? cause i saw them do that song flowers once i think.

it has a long arse solo like that one in the mentioned Priest song right?