Recommended Albums

I highly recommend the recent LA Guns album, Waking The Dead.
It's quite amazing. :)
Sydo can you post a sample from it? Every time i go to Radical Records I'm tempted to buy it coz I've heard so much good stuff about it. Phil Lewis is back but I'm not that big a fan of his voice on the first 2 LA Guns albums (the only 2 I've heard)... how does he sing on it?
"OK, Let's Roll" is great also - about the people on the plane who rebelled against the terrorists on 11/9. And "Don't You Cry" reaks of awesomeness too.

Everyone must buy it. NOW. Or as soon as possible.
hmmmmm i cant remember what the last CD I bought so I could reccomend bout I just reccomed Beastie Boys-Liscence to ill, because thats what is playing in the background
That ruled!!! Phil's voice suits that alot better than it suits the stuff on Self Titled and Cocked & Loaded. That was awesome!!!