Radial ProRMP modification

Sorry if this counts as reviving a dead thread but this is really killing me. I got mine today and I'm so disappointed at the sheer amount of signal lost. I had to turn up my 6505's pre and post gain up really high to match that of my guitar. I know nothing of electronics.

Are the instructions for the mod is as follows?
Remove the 3rd resistor (R3)
Remove the two bridges for (R1) (R2)
Remove the other two resistors (R1) (R2)
Rebridge (R1) and (R2) with wire. Can I use the wire that came with it?

Any help would be appreciated.
Remove the 3rd resistor (R3)
Remove the other two resistors (R1) (R2)
Rebridge (R1) and (R2) with some wires.
Today tried to replot graph in my post with measurements of V2 mod http://www.ultimatemetal.com/forum/equipment/568415-radial-prormp-modification-2.html#post9639064
Just replotted with extended range to see frequencies below 20 Hz.
"Long" is 3 meter, "short" is less than 1 meter. Guitar cable between reamper output and Hi-Z, length (and quality) of balanced cable have no impact on performance (I`m tried 3 m balanced and 6 m balanced (3 + 3)).
From my test with ProRMP, longer guitar cable increases top end, there even can be some undesired boost.
But 0.5 db difference is not very high, low frequency performance with unmodified/not fully modified unit is more prominent.