radio rock mix, all live everything.

I'd like to hear more glued song for this song. Currently it has some incoordinated ambiences between drums, vox and guitars. Try making the drums drier, bring the rhythm guitars and the leader vox to the front. It is nice to here such a radio effect on the vox, but not as a main treatment.
The solo could be quieter.
The bass is boomy around 80 Hz - you can easily observe it on a spectrum analyzer.
Cool song, by the way. I'd mix it. :)
Vocals are buried and weak because the snare is so loud. Guitar is soooo thin on the clean. Drums sound good. This just needs a better mix. Lemme mix it for fun !
Bass sounds wooly and frequencies are poking out
Snare is WAY to loud, and the reverb makes it sound like you've recorded it in a living room. Too short reverb and also way to loud.
Kick not punching at all.
Overheads are a bit thin. Should be a bit louder and..."meatier". They are just sizzling in the background now.
Vox are, like already said, buried beneath the snare. Vocals are the LEAD instrument in a song..not buried like this, you hear every other instrument better than the vocals. Compress it a bit more, maybe add some harmonizer/chorus (just a tad..if you hear it it's too much) and ride that fader like a mofo!
The choruschoirbackingwhatever is a bit too dry in my ears.
Also like already pointed out: the "radio" effect on the on some small parts...but not through the whole song. Works VERY good on the acc part...
Speaking of...those acc guitars should be brought down, and thicken them up a bit - they are thin and...i hear the strings..not a guitar..kinda dry ukulele-ish =/. Would love to hear them a bit wider too. Maybe with a bit reverb/delay
Solo needs to be brought down a bit and maybe add more reverb and delay to get it to fit in with the rest. As it is now it's floating a bit much on the top of everything

(ps: wouldn't mind some stems! :D)
Reminds me a bit of mer de noms era Perfect Circle :)
The whole mix is missing mids throwing the low end out of balance.
Push the guitars a lot, up to the level of the snare then add some 4-6k to the snare to poke it back through.
Bring the vocals up a lot too.
The low end sounds fine but too prominent.
IMO the recorded sounds are really good and a rebalance should get a great mix.
You guys rule, I've gotten a retrack of guitars coming your way, quads a la fredman and solo brought down.

Taking suggestions for a telephony something for the acoustic section, I'm scrapping that idea on the verses.

Snare down, vocals up. Anything else?