Ragnarok Cancelled :(


Brilliant Bastards!!
Feb 20, 2002
Harrow, London
'It is with deep regret that Metalism UK has to announce the cancellation of the Ragnarok Festival, scheduled for 4/11/06 in Perth, Scotland. It has not been an easy decision to reach, and one we are extremely disappointed to have to make, however due to the low volume of ticket sales, combined with the higher than expected operating costs, we are unable to proceed with the show.
Our sincerest apologies to everybody who has supported us since the announcement of the festival, to the bands, and especially to the people who have already purchased tickets.

Refunds are currently being arranged and should all be completed within the next two weeks..

Thank you for your understanding,

Metalism UK

Please contact liam.knowles@ragnarokfestival.com if you require specific information'

I don't know why the ticket sales were so poor as the preshow sold out (or nearly did) months ago! Damned annoying but at least they're doing refunds. Guess i'll have to wait a bit longer to see Black Atom and Dream Evil :(

This has really put a big shiney shit cherry on my crap cake :(

I've already got one hell of a flu and now this :(

Can't make it to London either so my hopes and dreams of seeing Gamma Ray and Dream Evil and Intense have just gone right out the bastard window :(
Power_Metal_Dom said:

This has really put a big shiney shit cherry on my crap cake :(

I've already got one hell of a flu and now this :(

Can't make it to London either so my hopes and dreams of seeing Gamma Ray and Dream Evil and Intense have just gone right out the bastard window :(

We're playing Bolton on the 24th .. that's not too far from ya is it?? :)
Little Linda (2) said:

No festivals should ever be called anything with 'Ragna' in the name ever again ...

I'd agree with you there :( Just not a lucky name is it... orrrr maybe it's because we were both planning to go to these things Linda!? :P

I feel sorry for everyone involved inc the organisers and bands :( sucks that this had to happen :(