Ragnarokkr 2014: Guest Host: LEATHER LEONE


Sep 30, 2005
Mike has worked for many months on trying to get Chastain to play the fest this year. The timing just was off this time around but he has made a great relationship with the band. Leather Leone wanted to come out and host the event so here you guys go!!! She will be at the fest MC'ing and signing what ever. Who knows...maybe she will sing a few Chastain songs.....
I will have copies of the new Chastain album Surrender to No One for just $10, so if anybody wants her to autograph it come see me asap as i dont have many copies

Any of you rascals that make any anti-semitic comments to me this weekend and I am going to bring up EVERY Mendyke UM or Facebook post from the past few months..... :)
First off, Judasim is a religion, not an ethnicity.

Second, getting the best price is good business. Has nothing to do with one's religion.

Well... not entirely incorrect.
"Ethnicity" or ethnic group is a social group of people who identify with each other based on common ancestral, social, cultural, or national experience. Thinking religion would fall somewhere under cultural. And some could even say "getting the best price is good business" could fall under "ancestral, social, cultural, or national experience":lol:
Don't get your gatchkes in a wade, just busting your baitsim
Well... not entirely incorrect.
"Ethnicity" or ethnic group is a social group of people who identify with each other based on common ancestral, social, cultural, or national experience. Thinking religion would fall somewhere under cultural. And some could even say "getting the best price is good business" could fall under "ancestral, social, cultural, or national experience":lol:
Don't get your gatchkes in a wade, just busting your baitsim

LOL - Ok, we will have to agree to disagree......

Sorry, but its amazing how many people think that "Jewish" is a nationality.
As if I was born in Jewtopia or Jewland.
Even stupider is when people go, "Oh, you are not from Israel"???

It's like if you have a group of 4 guys together in any high school comedy. You have the token Irish kid, Italian Kid, Chinese kid, and the Jew....

Nobody cares where the heck the Jew came from.
Just that he is a Jew!

I am glad my Judaism though is getting more interest than a guest MC!
LOL - Ok, we will have to agree to disagree......

Sorry, but its amazing how many people think that "Jewish" is a nationality.
As if I was born in Jewtopia or Jewland.
Even stupider is when people go, "Oh, you are not from Israel"???

Well it is what it is. And I'm well aware of what Judaism is, I spent a semester in college studying it, got the basic idea.:lol:
My rant was not directed at you.

Just makes me think of all the people throughout my life who only see you as a Jew. As if it begins and ends there.

Funny thing is I nor most people can tell most Jews apart from anyone else. They live among us, they have bred with our women and are now hidden in the crowds.:lol:
I do think that some Jewish people want Jews to be more profiled and stereotyped then they actually are, as if it is some kind of weird self infected peneance or something.
For some reason I'm now thinking of Mr. Garrison wondering why his dad never molested him.:lol: