Not For Wimps
LOL - Ok, we will have to agree to disagree......
Sorry, but its amazing how many people think that "Jewish" is a nationality.
As if I was born in Jewtopia or Jewland.
Even stupider is when people go, "Oh, you are not from Israel"???
It's like if you have a group of 4 guys together in any high school comedy. You have the token Irish kid, Italian Kid, Chinese kid, and the Jew....
Nobody cares where the heck the Jew came from.
Just that he is a Jew!
"Jewish" may not be a nationality, but it is a race in addition to a religion. Why do you think otherwise?
You may not have been born in Jewland, but your ancestors were all Jewish, right? I was born in America, but that doesn't make me part of the "American race," even if there were such a thing.