Ragnarokkr Cheers & Jeers

Yeah there was definitely some miscommunication there. It makes sense that your wristband from the first day would not get you in the second day, since some people only paid for one day, but as I was entering the second day nearly everyone was taken by surprise that they needed their ticket. And that would have been fine, but the security was pretty rude to people about it (otherwise they seemed to do a great job).
Cheers: I honestly didn't see a bad band this weekend but my highlights were Visigoth, Riot, Grim Reaper and Midnite Hellion.

Bands who actually had merch. This was a con last year, but almost everyone had something. Even Picture who didn't, Matt had cds and someone was selling a Picture shirt.

Meeting lots of people. All bands were cool and down to earth. Good to finally be able to chat with Matt.

Cons: Same exact con as Lee. I didn't know I had to have a ticket. Imo, those who buy two days should have a wrist band that goes for both days. Most fests do this. I had to lie saying they took it to get in, for which they gave me attitude but still let me in.
Yup, I almost left my ticket in my hotel room because of that (which at least means I knew where it was, but it would have really sucked to miss Visigoth!) Glad they let you back in Simon.
Yup, I almost left my ticket in my hotel room because of that (which at least means I knew where it was, but it would have really sucked to miss Visigoth!) Glad they let you back in Simon.

Me too, though I know at worst case Bob or Odin would have let me in.
I agree with you on the ticket thing....It was a huge mess. Last year we had two different ones....one for the two day and one for the single day. It was something that was overlooked. Sorry for the mess. It sucked even worse for me because the door guy said the only two who could get anyone in was Odin or I since we knew who paid and stuff. So for the first band I had to go back and forth to make sure no one was stuck at the door.


- pretty much all the bands were great. Talking to various people they all agreed on this saying there was not a weak act playing. If you were not a fan of one you could at least see they were good at what they were doing. The whole Ravish thing will be explained down on the jeers section.

- the amount of vendors and bands selling stuff was great. it was packed up there sadly but I think the solution is this...second stage acts have to keep the merch in that room and only the mainstage acts sell there. Only issue is there isn't enough space as we have seen in the Music Joint. It is basically a logistical nightmare because you don't know how bands will set up the merch till they get there. Only thing I can think of right now is to have a set space thing.

- great crowd and no really issues with drunks or fights

- good to see everyone again and meeting guys like Keir and stuff. I really tried to get all the people who came solo hooked up in the group or with other people so they didn't have to stand alone the whole weekend.

Jeers -

- almost too many bands. I think next year I just want 6 bands each day on the second stage. Maybe 5 on friday. This would cut down on bands going to late and getting killed with the co-headliner.

- it was great it sold out but it made it hard to move around to take pictures and stuff. At least we were not packed way too tight though.

- unprepared bands....Ravish. Nice guys but basically I found out the guitarist never came. So instead of just cancelling they decided to play as a two piece and the bass player played guitar. Nothing like hearing Iron Maiden covers with two band members. All this really did was make the stage look bad and made Ravish look bad too.
I pretty much agree with everything Lee said. Good times were had. I am ready to do some serious sleeping tonight. It's always great to meet all the people from the forum, especially since I don't always make it up for shows very often.
Jeers - Word of muggings right outside the venue and no security posted outside afterwards to help thwart that kind of riff raff - sometimes just a presence is all that is needed. I second the ticket thing. mine actually had apparently fallen out of my pocket up in merch area the night before because I found it there next day after being stopped by security for not having it. I agree, letter said I wouldn't need it so i didn't ever worry about losing it/keeping it.

Cheers - all the rest of it. had a freaking blast!! great job everyone!! Sound was particularly awesome. OH! also, keeping the music between bands to a minimum so everyone could chat with each other and not have to shout. the fest was a big social event (which ruled) and keeping the music lower I think helps to allow more friendships/discussions to flourish. :)
Yeah, I was very happy when I found my ticket.

I had a great time. Like, a fucking good time. My apologies to anyone I might have pissed off last night when I was Schmidtfaced.

You should see the hotel bathroom...
I was really glad to meet Jeff, Keir, Yoda, Matt Tribunal, and the guys from Eternal Champion. Matt, I regret not talking to you for longer. I could go on for a long time talking about German bands I want to see reissued.
I already said a lot in the recap threads.

Just want to echo on the number of bands.
I agree what Bob said.

I think 6 a day would be good.

Cheers - I would say aside from the bands would be everyone's vibe and attitude. Just seemed like everyone was in high spirits (no pun intended) the whole weekend

Jeers - People trying to start a pit. There was someone who started one up multiple times. You know for the most part Reggie's frowns upon it. Also it is a fest. Sure, it's one thing if you are going to see an EXODUS headline show where you know the majority are into that sort of thing. At a fest you have a lot of people checking out certain bands for the first time. Maybe some will disagree and call me a tired old dude, but so be it..
I already said a lot in the recap threads.

Just want to echo on the number of bands.
I agree what Bob said.

I think 6 a day would be good.

Cheers - I would say aside from the bands would be everyone's vibe and attitude. Just seemed like everyone was in high spirits (no pun intended) the whole weekend

Jeers - People trying to start a pit. There was someone who started one up multiple times. You know for the most part Reggie's frowns upon it. Also it is a fest. Sure, it's one thing if you are going to see an EXODUS headline show where you know the majority are into that sort of thing. At a fest you have a lot of people checking out certain bands for the first time. Maybe some will disagree and call me a tired old dude, but so be it..

I agree....wrong bands for a pit. If it was Exodus or DRI...sure you would expect it...but RIot and Grim Reaper are not pit bands.
- the amount of vendors and bands selling stuff was great. it was packed up there sadly but I think the solution is this...second stage acts have to keep the merch in that room and only the mainstage acts sell there. Only issue is there isn't enough space as we have seen in the Music Joint. It is basically a logistical nightmare because you don't know how bands will set up the merch till they get there. Only thing I can think of right now is to have a set space thing.

Jeers -

- almost too many bands. I think next year I just want 6 bands each day on the second stage. Maybe 5 on friday. This would cut down on bands going to late and getting killed with the co-headliner.

- it was great it sold out but it made it hard to move around to take pictures and stuff. At least we were not packed way too tight though.

Yeah I thought it was weird having 2nd stage bands in the main room. that was confusing.

I disagree with it being too crowded for photos. It had more people, but I never thought it was overbearing.

I think especially with all the drama you had to go through on the second stage, less 2nd stage acts is the way to go.
Jeers - People trying to start a pit. There was someone who started one up multiple times. You know for the most part Reggie's frowns upon it. Also it is a fest. Sure, it's one thing if you are going to see an EXODUS headline show where you know the majority are into that sort of thing. At a fest you have a lot of people checking out certain bands for the first time. Maybe some will disagree and call me a tired old dude, but so be it..

Plus it makes no sense for this style of music. Grim Reaper got out of hand. If a thrash band headlined I could understand that.

Speaking of thrash that is another jeer. A pit started up during Possessed while I was eating mac and cheese and it kicked the table right into my chest. Pissed me the fuck off.