Raiders Win The AFC Championship & Metallica

Deadly Embrace

Feb 27, 2002
Bay Area
I spent the last 14 hours at the Oakland Coliseum, & just got home from an amazing Raider Victory. Great game, "The Crushing Of The Titans". And now on to The "Pirate Bowl", for a storybook ending.
As an added treat for loyal NFL Raider fans, that actually went to today's game. Metallica played a secret unannounced(almost)
live appearance, right in the North Parking lot, on a medium sized stage. I'm not to much of a Metallica fan anymore(pre-Black Album, yes), but I will say this: they rocked, just like the old days.
They played with an intensity that I have not seen in years, no lie!
Here's the set list:
01. Fuel
02. Master Of Puppets
03. Sad But True
04. For Whom The Bell Tolls
05. Seek & Destroy
06. Battery
James wore a # 40(Ritchie) jersey, Kirk a # 80(Rice) jersey(I remember him being a 49er fan though), and Bob Rock(playing the Bass), a #81(Brown) jersey, and Lars of course was bare chested. James told the crowd that he's always been a Raider fan even tough he grew up in LA, & that he wanted to make this happen, with little notice(1 week). While they were playing, it was like a time warp, transporting me back to a time when Metallica was the best band in the world, & I was definetly feeling
like I was once again in my (early)twenties. I even worked my way up to the front past the pit that was rolling, & was treated to a very special show on a very special day. And only for The Bay Area, you would'nt catch this show in Philly, or anywhere else but right here. Everyone that was there, raved about how great it was, & how good they sounded. It was "Old School", straight from the Teachers who created it. Metallica was supposed to only play 20 minutes, but played about almost twice that. It was weird, after seeing them perform, & then going to the Raiders game, but everyone took it as an good omen(at least the fellow Rockers did), and I knew we were going to win. How many people can say they saw Metallica totally kick ass, & then see the Raiders destroy the Tenn. Titans, & win the AFC championship, to go to the Superbowl, on the same day, same location. That's why I live in the Bay area, it could only happen here..............:) :) NFL/Metal
that must have been awesome.all i have for pro football is the N.E.Patriots.they lost 2 oakland but none of the PATS fan will tell u that.& i havent seen metallica since 91.nothing happens here in maine lol
Goddammit! lol, i knew it! i knew it would have been fucking awesome to go see this game, ....shit! i would have never thought that Metallica would have played there on the very day....seems like it was killer dude. I envy you.
Can i move in with someone of the Bay Area for the next Football season ? lol ,Omg maybe i could meet the Testament guys :yow:

Man, sounds like a great time DE. I must say I'm envious :D I feel the same way sometimes living in So Cal. There are always cool shows that just don't happen anywhere else. Cali is a great place to live. No Cal , or So Cal ........ which explains all the TRAFFIC , everyone wants to live here !!! HAHAHA:lol:
Originally posted by hiddenlegions
Man, sounds like a great time DE. I must say I'm envious :D I feel the same way sometimes living in So Cal. There are always cool shows that just don't happen anywhere else. Cali is a great place to live. No Cal , or So Cal ........ which explains all the TRAFFIC , everyone wants to live here !!! HAHAHA:lol:

Not can have it! I can fly to the shows if I want to see them...then come back home. Too many friggin people and not enough snow, trees, grass, or hiking for me (in so Cal anyway). I think I could handle Northern Cal...I like it there...just so expensive!'s too warm there for me. Too much....ah, nevermind, I can't spell the word anyways.

If I was there I'd probrably throw something at Metallica. It's gonna take a lot more to convince me that they are real again and not just on crack or it all be a fluke. Granted I wasn't there, but one show isn't enough evidence for me.

I know of what DE speaks of because I have been to their concerts since I can remember and they always rock hard. They never miss a beat and they are truely, imho, a great heavy metal band.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion and I respect yours, although I don't agree with ya. I think you would actually have to see them live before making a statement.

The cuts of 'Load' , 'Re-Load', and later are gashes that run deep in my skin. I've seen their live videos from 'Load' tour and it was excatly that; load of shit.

sorry if i sound pissy today, i don't have a therapist nor care to have one.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Originally Posted Liz metal:"The cuts of 'Load' , 'Re-Load', and later are gashes that run deep in my skin. I've seen their live videos from 'Load' tour and it was excatly that; load of shit."

I here ya Liz, but there was a different vibe in the air that day, I said I had not seen them play with that intensity in a long time (back on the Justice Tours), and they aside from the opening song, played mostly old classics. It was "Old School" in the heart of Raider Land(Oakland).............they proved to me they still have some fire left...............when they chose to show it. Now what they put out(new album), & chose to play live(song selection) in the future is their call, probably some weak smoke..........................But we can hope?
My sister in San Diego writes:

Thought you guys would all appreciate knowing that San Diego is basically on "Raider fan alert" right now. It's all over the news, that "the Raider fans are coming!!" There are of course all kinds of security measures in place at our stadium, because hey -- it's the Super Bowl. But the fact that Oakland made it has them even more on edge. It's pretty funny watching the news. It's like y'all are a bunch of terrorists. :)

There's a video on their website of "Battery" from the set. They sound pretty damn good musically. Kirk is tearing up the leads. But I still can't get used to that high-pitched squealing-type croon that James showcases during the part "battery is found in maaaaaa-yyyy-aaa-eeeeeee".