

Since I have looking at rediscovering some bands from the 70's that weren't excatly the "biggies" I picked up the Rainbow disc entitled "Rising." What an incredible fucking record! Ronnie James Dio is right on as is Ritchie Blackmore. I have a question for some of you regulars to Oldschool. Which records would you recommend? Is the disc with Graham Bonnet any good? I love his work with Schenker & the Stand in Line disc he did with Chris Impellitteri is a monster. Help a brother out....
I highly, and I mean highly, recomend the albums "Ritchie Blackmore's Rainbow" and "Long Live Rock 'n' Roll."

I haven't heard a complete album of theirs that didn't have Dio on it, but I used to have a greatest hits CD that halfly consisted of songs from after Dio left. I didn't think that stuff was up to snuff.
Down To Earth is ok but not really stunning. Trouble is after Dio left they became more commercial-sounding...still did some good stuff though. Lost In Hollywood from that album is class. And if you ain't sick of Since You've Been Gone already, that's good too! :D

Other good 70s bands...well, I love Whitesnake and of course Deep Purple is great. Can't not name Sabbath as well, naturally. Other than that my mind is worringly blank right now :S