Raintime- Psychochromatic

So in your opinion if you can't get a hold of a certain CD you should avoid it altogether, without trying it or even spreading the name around?

I'm an old man. I grew up in an age where we bought albums because we liked the cover art - or we recognized a musician - or it had a 20 minute song with a Mellotron. Today you can find sound samples all over the Internet ie. myspace.com. You can try before you buy. If you have a method of payment there is no CD that is out of your reach.

Ken Golden

Jesus, you can't be that dense, the first question was about record stores, which I am in no way affiliated with, and until Exar Kun came I felt like I was talking to a brick wall.

The second question was sarcastic - since the mentioned album is coming to my location in May I'm in no position to obtain it offline at the moment. Laser does have a point about purchasing the music you like, I'm just saying you can download an album and purchase it when it's available.
What's the difference between this version and the one in other shops, I see the cd is 12euroes and 11 dollars, this is the most worth while, how so?
Not this again. The only differnce is price-it's different everywhwre as Ken tried to explain already. Just buy it if you want it and stop trying to over analyze everything:err: