RAINTIME signs with Bieler Bros ...

what record label is this? Never heard of them (I don;t think). Who else is on this label?
Bieler Bros is an independant label (originally they were part of MCA) with major-distribution through Warner Music. They have bands such as WillHaven, NonPoint, Sikth ...


Great news if the distribution will be thru Warner.
Excellent Distribution. Excellent promotion outside the regular metal underground channels. Excellent sales results (Nonpoint: 100,000+ sales). Excellent tour support (Ankla on Ozzfest, Fiction Plane opening for The Police).

Honestly, they have a better chance to sell more records with this label than 80% of the bands that have North American distribution through Century Media, NBlast, etc. simply because they will put them outside the normal metal box this country has.
On a more personal note:

I didn't mention this above, but I actually think you guys should know this ... I really have to thank Glenn for giving RAINTIME the possibility for playing at ProgPower USA. When I sent Glenn the album he totally loved it and immediately offered the band a slot at his festival, which really increased the interest from several US labels. Over the past half year I've been talking a lot to Glenn about it, and he agreed with me that Bieler Bros would be the perfect label for RAINTIME. I can't thank Glenn enough, and I want him and all of you to know how much I (and the band) appreciate it!!!

Well, at least Raintime will have a label that will last for a while. However, it is absolutely incredible that Arise Records has their site still working despite being out of business for 2 years.
I am extremely happy for Raintime. When they were announced late last year, I was one of the people that immediately rushed to eBay and other sources to find their debut. I fell in love with it.

August seems forever away from right now. I can't wait to have a legit copy of the album. Hopefully it'll be in a store like Best Buy or Circuit City, eh?
Hello everybody!!!!!
Thanks for your support!!!!!!!Thanks Glenn,Claus & Bielerbros!!!!
We're really happy of this cool situation!!!!!!!!
See ya in october!!!!!
We're very happy to announce that RAINTIME has signed with Bieler Bros Records for the US, Canada and UK release of "Flies & Lies". The album will be released August 7th 2007.


:lol: :lol: :lol: That's totally awesome!!! Bieler Bros rox! I believe Mustang Agency handled a few of their bands, although I think it went south. Nonetheless, Bieler Bros have a reputation for quality bands! From what I saw, they treated their bands very well!! Rock on Raintime!! :headbang: