Ralph Santolla question...


Legion of Deicide
Aug 24, 2005
Did anyone see this on Blabbermouth?


Someone tell me that Ralaph has been mis-quoted....

"Look, I'm Catholic and I'm against Satanism," Santolla is quoted as saying, according to Las Últimas Noticias. "I do understand the church, but I only want to play my guitar and have a good time."

Surely this cannot be right that Ralaph is playing in the most Satanic band ever and what with all the imagery to do with Deicide it just cannot be true.

He is realising an album on a date that matches 666. Can someone from Earache or the band put this story straight?
Guys this is a real indication that SHOWBIZ! Dont take this shit seriously cause its not supposed to be that way. Your icons cant be someone who has negative impact on you. Fuck christ and fuck Satan rely on your damn selves for reasuurance and peace within. These guys are performers they have forums like these to see what they can sell to you. Deicide musicaly are AWSOME! Creativity at its best, Glen rocks! Santolla rocks! Jack rocks and Suzuki rocks, Steve rocks as well as Eric and Brian. All of these guys are talented people. Satan is too much of a shithead looser to be worshipped by these guys, these guys are better then Jesus and Satan, in fact anyone who has loyal leigons of fans who want to follow in their musical creativity is higher then heaven and holier then any god living. The music lives on and i for one am loving it METAL rules and saves lives of angry people and is enjoyed by us all angry or not, its kick ass music that RULLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!