cant believe it


Sep 20, 2003
you know i must say i read the questions that people asked glen and steve and i am appualed! Seriously! What the fuck? Cant you people ask anything better then Ralph being a christian or glen benton killing himself or Deicide being satanic? How many fucking times do you people always have to ask these stupid played out fucking questions over and over and fucking over again! No wonder glen and company dontwant ot do interviews! Its always "why did you threatne to kill yourself at 33" "why is their a christian in theb and" "why are you a satanic band when you have a band member who si christian" Earache you guys should have bipassed those fucking questions and selected more musical related questions. Not one person asked anything about the creation of the album, the unity of the new deicide, scale methods, feelings on the road, shit like that. No instead you send like tabloid style questions to these guys, man if i were benton id refuse to once again repeatedly answer these questions, who cares if Benton wanted to kill himself? is he dead? NO! Ralph and company are buddies and all this satanic stuff is a gimmick to sell records dont people understand that Satan sells like sex! Its marketable. I cant believe it. I am surprised Steve and Glen bothered to answer these gay over played questions. People do take this gimmick stuff way to seriously, dress in black, paint nails black, dress like a corpse, drink cows blood, sacrifice goats, buirn churches, burn babies, for fuck sakes get over your drug created visuals and dont waste msucians times with gay questions, you liek the music? Talk about the music cause thats what we like THE MUSIC! Glen and Steve arent are freinds they dont know us and we dont know them on a personal level we have no right to bother them about personal shit, we admire them for their acomplishments and what they provide to us MUSIC! Fuck man i wish i had a good question to ask would have bveen nice to talk to my fav band about their projects and sucesses rather then dumb questions about Brian Hoffman or Eric Hoffman or the satanism, its no ones buisness, they play, they are on tour and they SHRED (deicide) thats all that matters, they dont need to have their lives pryed into i dont think.
come on man, read the questions, why do people still ask the same fucking thing over and over again. You know if glen benton did say he was goign to kil lhimself then whos buisness is it to pry and ask why? Also whats up with the christian being in the band question too? Did anyone really ask about Stenche's albu mand the creation of it or how it came about? not really. What i am talking about is people always feel they need to get all personal with these guys and ask questions like we are their buddies. My point man was that people should have asked more direct questions about the music then the personal lives of the members...thats what i was talking about.
kremator78 said:
So i take it you know what i am talking about and kinda get what i am saying here?

Of course I understand what you're saying. I don't know, I've already read interviews with them in a couple of magazines where they talk about the new album so I'm not all that desperate to see more right now. I thought the questions were pretty crap yes, but Glen's replies were rather amusing. :lol:
Besides - Jack's here, you can ask him about the making of the new album. :rock:
Well hey man its like no one has anything else better to ask then annoying questions. Besides havent they given enough answers to those? I mean Glen benton has pretty much said the same thing over and over again i just feel that they need to be treated like muscians and not like people whos lives need to be exposed for our entertainment. Glen Benton should keep his private shit to himself and if he feels he wants to share it or blab about it when he isfeelign fine then so be it, consider it a bonus for all of us but to break balls and to continue to dwell on the past is gay. Steve, Glen Ralph and Jack have made a tremendous effort and have done a superb job on this new record and i think that should be at the fore front first off then glen, steve jack or ralphs personal life. They rock and i am glad to be a fan of the band. This new album has truley defined this bands talent and i for one am happy about it.