Randall "Bedroom amp"

Hi there!

As a user of software modelers for years now, there is still the wish for a real amp at home. Being a Randall endorser I have the chance to get them significantly below the normal listprice...but I'm very unsure on how "good" amps sound at bedroom volumes...

Here are the potential candidates:

- Randall T2C (100/75W, hybrid)
- Randall RT50C (50W fullt tube)
- Randall RM20 (20W full tube), e. g. with a Ultra XL module

With my band I play the Randall T2HH (hybrid amp, 480W) equipped with a 4x12" cabinet with V30 speakers. Would it be reasonable (soundwise) to use the T2HH with a small cabinet (1x12" or below)?

Any input is highly appreciated!
I don't really like Randall amps. At least the lower-end ones I've heard don't sound all that good. But for home use, I'd say the 20W is really your only option.

Although I run a 100watt at home with a 2x12 and some blankets thrown over the cab when I record. Gets me a decent tone.
I`d say it depends on cabinet, open 1x12" can sound worse than good impulses when recorded.
For just playing I`m usually using my old Randall RG75, even without ENGL e430 preamp :)
Don`t like ampsims for just playing.