Randall Cyclone On Ebay !!!

Hey thanks for jacking up the price by posting it on a public forum! I can take it out of my watchlist now!
guitarguru777 said:
Your welcome ....

Come on dude that head wont go for more than $350 and thats still a good price .... Jesus ... touchy arent we...

Da Fukn Guru
I guess you can say that... I wanted that amp...
guitarguru777 said:
Dude its the same bid its been at for a day now . If you want it go bid, or stop your bitching ...lol

Da Fukn Guru
I only bid in the last minute.

I left this thread alone, I advise you to do so too. At least cut out the personal attacks against me.
I was going to bid on it. The seller will sell it outright for $500.00, shipped.