Randall Iso Box


Apr 8, 2006
Hamburg, Germany
Hi guys!

Today a salesguy at my local guitarstore showed me a Randall isolation box. It was basically a box that had a 12" Celestion speaker built in.

Looks like:

I was quite impressed at how easy the handling was and how little volume remained from an Engl 50 watt head.

Anyone here tried it?
I built one a while back onfloor spikes for an experiment and for when a band wants to record guitars and drums together (way before podXT was around)

They actually work real good for when volume is a problem.... i guess it's almost identical to this device.

Sounded good but it's was no messa cab... i'd love to hear this with a 5150 on it.....

hey ,
yeah they are pretty good although a bit "boxy" sounding if you know what a mean
but they are good for cranking the tube amp with lesser noise ...
I guess that depends on the box itself. I'm gonna construct one my self that I suspect will take way "a lot" of the volume. I'm gonna build a double box around my 4x12 cab and pad the inner one with 2" auralex plates.
Black neon bob said:
How much does a isobox take away in volume?

Mine takes away ALOT of volume. My 4x12 is in the isobox and then in a closet across from my control room. With the closet door closed, I'd say you hear moderate TV level volume of guitar just outside the closet when a 120W completely cranked Super Lead clone is being played. It is mostly bass as you'd expect. In my control room with the monitors on listening to playback at a reasonable level, I can't hear the straight guitar at all...

450 pounds, 600 euro's?????
For some wood, speaker and carpet?

I'm sure you are all popular son-in-laws who know a pensioned craftsman.
Can't be that hard to make a box into a box.
Ridiculous aint it?

Im probably going to build one of my own.. friend is helping out... a decent speaker, V30 celestion anyone? decent wood, and almost done.. piece of cake, i hope.