Randall 4x12 Isolation cab and silent recording.

Damn that Mark IIC+ sounds fucking awesome!!

And speaking of the IIC+.....why hasn't anyone created a sim of this amp?!? I've found a Mark III sim but it was glitchy and would crash Reaper.
Damn that Mark IIC+ sounds fucking awesome!!

And speaking of the IIC+.....why hasn't anyone created a sim of this amp?!? I've found a Mark III sim but it was glitchy and would crash Reaper.

I think Recabinet is going to have one if memory serves. Check Kazrog's KVR forum posts- I think he wrote some of the next pack models.
They all sound boxy. I had one of the Randalls, then built a Silent Sister clone. Can't get rid of the boxy sound. IR's + a attenuator is a better solution generally.

I could never get into the iso cabs either; had a Randall (1x12, not this 4x12 thing) and preferred using ampsims/IRs to it. I think the Kemper or a TwoNotes Torpedo setup is a much better option.

Guys, my question was about this very model, not about 1x12, Silent Sister etc. Has anyone had an experience with this Randall 4x12 ISO CAB specifically?
Hey guyz, I know I am late to the party, but I really need some good advice. I am a bedroom player and own a mesa boogie mark III blue stripe combo. I ve been thinking of buying the randall iso box cause I want to be able to crank it and record without the loudness! I am not interested in digital amp simulation etc. Has anyone had experience using this 4x12 iso cab? I ve seen all Ola's clips but this guy could get a good sound outta the worst solid state amp