Isolation Cabs

No it doesn't sound horrible. A 57 reacts differently in an enclosed space, so you may find yourself micing it differently. Dealing with the proximity effect differently etc. You may eq it differently than you would. I mean it is like anything else, you adapt to the terrain you're in
Condensors actually sound pretty good in it, but to me it is just weird micing a celestion with a condensor, it's my own hang up lol
Got it. Your clips and replys are almost enough to make me think it is the way to go for me at the moment. I'll have to look into the impulse thing some more though before I jump into anything.
Genius Gone Insane said:
Is it really that quiet?

it's not that quiet no night sessions that's for sure or maybe if you use
a powersoak or something you're fine
the problem with the isocab is you have a good head like say a 5150 and
the result is some guy saying "hey you recorded a pod" cause that's what it sounds like to me
Kaz and Genius; I don't have an i5, I do have 2 57's, 4 58's, 10 545's, one with the tranny removed, 2 md421's, audix D6 and an SM7 for dynamics

I can throw an AT4033 on the speaker tomorrow night and post it, i've been curious about a PZM too
Genius Gone Insane said:
That would be killer.
Yes that would be quite killer indeed.
I'm curious to hear how a 609 or 906 sounds with it since one review said this from that link:

"I began having trouble geting a good tone with a Shure SM-57. I know that this is supposed to be the greatest amp mic around, but it wasn't working for me. I decided to purchase a Sennhieser 906e guitar cab mic. I was blown away! The randall cab with this mic gives me a huge sound."
For what it's worth, here's some other alternatives to the Randall:
VocalBooth 412 Isolation Box ~$995 MSRP (I have no idea what street is). You throw the entire cab in this thing, plus your mic stand and mics. Every review I've seen is very positive.
Demeter SSC-1 w/Celestion V30 $750 street. Quite similar to the Randall, but reviews say it's better constructed.
AxeTrak $399 street. This one uses a specially designed microphone and speaker. Haven't heard much about it...

I have no experience with any of these products, just wanted to let ya' guys know there are other options out there.