So whats's the "Vintage 30" of Bass speakers?


Studio Scapegoat
Feb 13, 2007
Nottingham, UK
The Celestion V30 seems to have been awarded "best speaker" by the general player concensus. But if there's any similar opinion when it comes to bass guitar cab drivers then I haven't come across it.

So, does anyone have any opinions? I'd like to try building my own cab at some point. :)
Ampeg SVT810E aka "the fridge" is usually the cabinet for bass, and it has 8 custom 150 watt 10” speakers, by Eminence or Ampeg

My Ampeg cab is painted white so it truly looks like a big refridgerator. That thing pushes ridiculous amounts of air.
Only problem is, the SVT810E costs nearly 10% of my total annual income. So I'm not gonna be buying one of those at any point in the forseeable future.

Anyway, I wasn't asking about the best ready-made cab on the market. I was asking what is considered the best driver.
I don't think there is one - good bass cabs are built specifically for the drivers they come with, so bassists don't swap them around as much as guitarists.