Recording Bass Guitars


Nov 13, 2003
Las Vegas
OK another Naive question...

Ill be picking your guys brains ALOT over the next few weeks because im in pre-production for my 1st solo cd :)

So anyway ...

When recording bass, do you guys prefer to record it direct,with a mic or a mix of the 2.

Da Fukn Guru
At the moment i just record my bass straight to my MOTU 828mkII and then use Logic's Bass Amp plug-in, sounds pretty good. I've just ordered a Tech 21 Sansamp RBI bassdriver tho, i've heard good things about it so now lets just hope it's as good as people say...
Sansamp PSA1 will sort you out....

Saying that I did some on tuesday using a behringer head and they sounded outstanding
Impy said:
At the moment i just record my bass straight to my MOTU 828mkII and then use Logic's Bass Amp plug-in, sounds pretty good. I've just ordered a Tech 21 Sansamp RBI bassdriver tho, i've heard good things about it so now lets just hope it's as good as people say...

I also think, that Logic's Bass Amp is very good. But the best is the Sansamp.

+1 for the sansamp.
can sound decent for guitars, too (had one here for a while for doing some DI recording....imho a pod sounds better, though).
the thing the sansamp does very well is recording bass - or even live. when i was on tour our bass played used a sansamp psa-1 DI into the board for the PA sound and through an ampeg poweramp for his stage sound. sounded as good (if not better :D )as his normal svt4 pro rig.
I recorded bass yesterday, and took 3 seperate signal's.

The DI one, which sounded like utter crap for some reason.
A D112 on his amp.
Some Beyer-Dynamic on his amp.

In the end the D112 won out, giving the most ballsy sound... although it did need a bit of EQ treatment and compression to stop the lowend from shooting out, but that's to be expected.
i always use the di and i use ozone trash i get a decent tone out of that
ampeg also got a plug-in don't know if it's released yet it's called (IK Multimedia) Ampeg SVX should be good anyone tried this yet ?
I think it was the bass, I worked out it was only on the tracks recorded with one of the three basses used. It has EMG hz's and an onboard active pre-amp circuit which probably didn't help to reduce the interference.
In my experience the Bartolini's sound very fat and warm, paired with a guitar that has switchable passive/active circuitry and you're flyin'. Basically this is a plug for the Cort A5 my friend has... very nice bass guitar.
Moonlapse said:
In my experience the Bartolini's sound very fat and warm, paired with a guitar that has switchable passive/active circuitry and you're flyin'. Basically this is a plug for the Cort A5 my friend has... very nice bass guitar.

The bartolini MK1 preamp in the bass helps alot boosting that fat sound.

The Cort Curbows are good too, one bartolini MK1 ( Cort A5s have two) and then a bartolini MK 3 pre (i think, The A5 has a MK1 preamp a more versatile preamp)The Mk 3 is a hotter pre so its got lots more punch especially coming out of the one pickup.

Shame that Greg Curbow died last month. :cry:

But id say that the Artisan series ( A4s 5s and 6s) and far superior for recording as its alot more versitile. That active passive switch comes in handly for the modern or classic sounding bass tone.

Look into the sansamp bass driver DIs, i have only heard storys or this being the all holy and great one of bass DIs. And there is also a new programmable version of it, exactly the same but with 3 switches.