Randall Thrasher

Josh Burgess

Feb 18, 2008
Tampa, FL
I saw a lot of people that went to NAMM talking about the new Randall Thrasher (designed by Mike Fortin) and saying it was pretty awesome.

Anybody here play it? Any extra info?
yeah this is the randall branded NATAS design. it should be very sweet, you can look for videos of the NATAS for more sound review... also ola's signature head the SATAN is a form of this tweaked to his specs (tubes, transformer, choke, as well as a mid sweep and extra gain control knob)
Looked interesting, but the real winner for me is the ASG Hybris. For $999 the amount of amp you're getting is just phenomenal. Craig, from CEC Amps, really did it right with them, hopefully they go over well!

The Thrasher looks pretty cool though, but I've never really been wow'd by the sound of any Fortin in the past (and I've played more than a few). Nice sounding amps, but horrendously overpriced IMO. I don't think they've released a price on the Thrasher yet though, have they? Could be interesting if it can compete in a similar price range as the Hybris.
Looks good to me the demo sounded great. So in the 5150 / recto competition arena what amps do you think are gonna come out on top. There's a few choices these days that have a good clean channel and clean fx loop.
I would love to know some background infos about Randall, do they have a new CEO or more money to develope amps, they seem to be very active in this sector for some time...