Random Acts of Senseless Violence

that album is riff-o-rama! I overplayed the first half of the album when i first got it, so i cant listen to it anymore.
Stomp is Fucking great..... IN a Zone is my favorite song and they played it just for me......when they opened for Judas Priest in 2002.........
dkillone said:
They played it just for you???? boyy we are full of ourselves aren't we? :Spin: :tickled: :cool: lol

That was a killer night the Raider were in the AFC Championship game. My 2 favorite bands Anthrax and Judas Priest played the Warfield..... Both bands played everything i wanted to hear. Ripper Owens kicked ass.....
Even though the Raider lost that game (Buddy just stop your killin me... Fuck the Tuck) It was a great night... And another thanks to Chjarlie for hooking me up........

the first ticket was the 2nd leg of the Priest show... wasn't as good as the January show....
OH an Priest signed the pass.....
Oblivious Maximus said:
Stomp 442 is my least favorite 'Thrax album, but I've really taking a liking to this song for some reason. I heard it earlier, and have been singing it non-stop. Who else likes this song?

I dig Stomp 442, I love Random Acts. Great Crook solo. Crook was/is awesome. I bought the Beyond re-issue of Stomp with Scott's liner note and bonus tracks. Duh-throned Em-puh-ror!! Awesome. Stomp is a lost classic.
Oblivious Maximus said:
Stomp 442 is my least favorite 'Thrax album, but I've really taking a liking to this song for some reason. I heard it earlier, and have been singing it non-stop. Who else likes this song?

IMHO Stomp is just "good", however "Random" is one of those songs that sometimes ends up in the mp3-player when I go for a run.